Brief note: New domain

Christian Lück Portrait Photo Christian Lück

As of today, is the new domain for this site. This includes all past and upcoming blog posts, articles, project information, downloads etc.

All links to the legacy domain ( should automatically redirect to the updated location, so all incoming links should continue to function as usual. I've also updated any incoming links from public projects and profiles to point to the correct destination. If you find any broken links, please drop me a line and I'll take a look!

Additionally, I've taken this opportunity to perform some minor layout updates, thanks to some fabulous help and design reviews by @brob. This site will continue to receive some more significant updates in the nearer future, but I figured it makes sense to get the first batch of updates out as soon as possible with the updated domain. Stay tuned for more updates and blog posts to be released soon, cheers! 🥂

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